
We now have confirmation that The Great Pumpkin has been spotted and is around this Halloween. News sources in Dublin were the first to make the announcment. So far what we know is the Great Pumpkin is sending cryptic messages to the girls and boys. Some say they are clues. We don't know what will play out, but if this is like Halloween 1918, there may be candy and a toy left for some.

Looks like he is gone for the year, what an experience. Left without a trace, even the hole he came from closed up.

The Great Pumpkin

Dark years can only be cured by a little joy. But some of the darkest years in history have a secret that many are unaware of. Sometimes light cannot wait. For those years there is a little pre-holiday joy in the form of the Pumpkin King.


The legends speak of a being that rises out of the ground in the early hours on Halloween. In the dead of night the Great Pumpkin will rise. But do not fear, for joy will spread from ear to ear. Hail to the king, the Great Pumpkin rise again.

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History of the Great Pumpkin

The Great Pumpkin has long been considered a legend in its own right. But only due to the diminished sightings seen over the past years. The Great Pumpkin is believed to only come around in times when the world is in need of a bit of joy prior to the holiday season. The last time it was recorded that the Great Pumpkin made its rounds was back in 1918 during the Spanish Flu pandemic. There are also a few isolated records of some sightings during the Great Depressing in the 1920's, but these have never been verified.

The legend of the Great Pumpkin's origin roots back to the 1251 in England after the Battle of the Wilted Flower where the Cathedral in now Cardiff was seized for 215 days in an attempt to rid religion from the area. During this time the head priest passed away and was buried in the garden which was his favorite place to be. On the 215th day of the siege, which was on Halloween, arose from the garden The Great Pumpkin. No one is sure what happened other than the people leading the siege were compelled to leave followed by giant feast and riches that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Since that Halloween, every Halloween which falls in a year of great peril, The Great Pumpkin arises. What classifies as great peril is still unknown but we have not seen a time since the last sighting where the joy is needed as much or more.

To help The Great Pumpkin spread to houses quickly on Halloween morning is to sow pumpkin seed in the ground so he may take root and arise to spread joy.

The Great Pumpkin arises with a Jack-o-lantern head on his body so it is able to take in the sights. sounds, and tastes of the night in order to navigate the world above the dirt. But fear not as it is a friendly creature who only works to spread joy.

The Great Pumpkin in modern media

Despite a decrease in sightings over the past 100 years, people have not forgotten about how much joy The Great Pumpkin brings. The media is a prime example of this as two large efforts were created to celebrate The Great Pumpkin, also known as the Pumpkin King.

It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

In this movie/book, the Peanuts crew worked to help Linus search for The Great Pumpkin in hopes of finding this joyous being.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Jack Skellington is portrayed as the Pumpkin or also known as The Great Pumpkin. This tale shows that just because the Great Pumpkin may look a little scary, it is actually a joyful creature trying to make people happy. Many think he is just a skeleton, but notice the shape of his head. This artistic rendition is to illustrate the length of time since we have seen this creature.

Artist renditions of the Great Pumpkin from first hand accounts.

Chances the Great Pumpkin Returning 2020

76.22% - Calculated using the master platform assessment practices.